Rosemary has quite a past. Used regularly by the ancients in weddings and funerals, its symbolism is well documented in literature. Sir Thomas Moore, who let rosemary flourish all over his garden walls, noted that “it is the herb sacred to remembrance, and...
Romanesco has an identity crisis. No one seems to know for sure if it’s a broccoli or a cauliflower. One indisputable fact though is that the romanesco is a visually stunning vegetable. Not surprising, its taste is a cross between broccoli and cauliflower. Its...
Rhubarbs are, botanically speaking, vegetables although they were actually classified a fruit in 1947 Customs Court. The reason was that tariffs were lower on fruits than vegetables and rhubarb was traditionally used as a fruit. Best known for associating with...
Red Currants are beautiful, shiny, tiny berries. Pronounced KUR-uhnt, these scarlet jewels deliver an instant tart-sweet taste. Food historians document that by the middle of the 14th century, currants were a big part of English cuisine, and soon spread to France and...
Raspberries are an elegant addition to any fruit bowl. Not only visually stunning, raspberries deliver a sweet-tart punch to numerous recipes and are an excellent source of vitamin C and dietary fiber. Raspberry leaves can be dried and used in herbal teas....