Tofu is made by coagulating soy milk and then pressing the resulting curds into a block. It is a product that has little taste or odor on its own, so it easily incorporates and takes on the flavors of any dish it is added to. Tofu has become a main source of protein...


Tindora is a popular Indian vegetable resembling a small cucumber. Also known as Indian Ivy Gourd, its taste is somewhere between a gourd and a cucumber, with a juicy, mild bitter crunch. Tindoras can be eaten raw or boiled, steamed or fried. They’re also...


Thyme is a low growing pereninial herb that is hardy in many climates. The leaves are small and are arranged in pairs along a woody stem. Thyme has a strong aroma and distinctive flavor. It is widely used to flavor meats and stews across southern Europe and parts of...


Thai okra has a similar taste and texture to common okra, but it is in fact a member of the Luffa or Loofah family. The immature fruit is used as a vegetable, and when mature the fruit is used as a bath sponge or skin care implement. Thai okra has all the versatility...


There are two varieties of Tarragon: French and Russian. French Taragon is much harder to grow, but it is considered far superior in taste. Tarragon is a perennial with thin, glossy green leaves arranged along a thin slightly woody stem. The taste is similar to anise...