The Cape Gooseberry, a member of the nightshade family, is a small grape sized fruit with a paper thin husk surrounding it. It has a sweet, slightly acidic but refreshing flavor and is found in shades of green, gold, white, red, and even black.


Originally from India and Africa this melon prefers warm growing climates. The North American melons’ skins are netted and are easily distinguished from their ribbed European cousins. Cantalopes are excellent sources of vitamins A & C, and provide...


The Campari® tomato is a medium-small sized, round tomato noted for its sweetness, bright red color and juiciness. Because Campari® tomatoes are available year-round they are easy to find, and the slightly resistant skin of the tomatoes is conducive to packing and...


Calabasa is the name given to a family of gourds native to the Americas. It has the characteristics of a pumpkin and a squash. Typically the calabasa will be rounded or oblong shaped with a smooth green to yellow or orange skin and orange flesh interior. The calabasa...


Cactus pear, also commonly known as prickly pear, comes from a plant that features two edible parts, a fruit – the pear or tuna, and a vegetable – the pad of the cactus or nopal. Cactus pear has long been prominent in Mexican and Central American cuisine...