Having originated in the Sharon Valley in Israel, Sharon Fruit is similar to other persimmon varieties, but it has a wonderfully different characteristic. Sharon Fruit are ready-to-eat when they are shipped to us. The entire fruit can be eaten – firm like an...


Shallots are members of the onion family, although they behave like garlic. When peeled, shallots separate into cloves, but have a mild onion-like flavor. The smaller the shallot, the milder the taste. Look for firm, dry bulbs with no sprouts. Skin should be papery...


There are two versions of savory, summer (an annual) and winter (perennial). Most users prefer summer, which has clusters of thin, bronze-green leaves along a slightly woody stem. Summer and winter savory are very similar in taste and are popular in Balkan...


The name sapote, pronounced “sah-PO-tay”, is used in the names of several soft fleshed tropical fruits. Most varieties are rounded. The skin color can range from brownish green to bright yellow. Inside the flesh is sweet and custard-like and its taste...


Satisfy your hunger with salsify. This root may not be the most attractive vegetable you ever laid eyes on, but remember not to judge a book by its cover. Dark skin (resembling a brown carrot) holds a cream colored fresh that has been compared to oysters, artichokes,...